Harvest House incorporates a trial period of 2 to 4 weeks. This will help to insure that the placement is a good fit for your child, you, and our staff. Parent or Provider may at the end of the trial period call for a Provider- Parent review meeting. Solutions for any personal or contractual issues will be discussed and resolved at that time. Should any issues be insolvable, either party may terminate without further notice
Only those persons who are listed on the emergency card are authorized to remove your child from our care. Please arrange for these people to meet us in advance. Please respect your contracted drop off and pick up time so that we can have our family time too! If you know you are going to be late, please be considerate enough to call us so we can adjust our personal evening plans accordingly.
Licensing requires that all childcare facilities observe the “Open door policy”. It is the legal right of the parents to stop in to see their child at any time and to inspect the area where that child is cared for. Although this is a basic regulation, some parents have to be reminded that it covers only the regular business hours that your child is in our care. Unexpected drop-ins outside of normal business hours or on weekends without an appointment are not appreciated and violate our personal space and family time
Many of our parents like to visit and observe their children during play. This is strongly encouraged; however, in order to remain safe and legal we must first have the adult/parent that wants to spend longer periods of time here pass clearance through licensing. This involves an FBI Clearance, State Clearance and TB testing as well as a signed criminal record statement to be kept on file here. This seems more complicated than it actually is so please let me know if you would like to have clearance for longer visits.
Personal care items such as: clean clothes, disposable diapers/pull ups, slippers, diaper rash ointment, comb or brush, etc. are to be provided by the parent and stored in a cloth backpack or diaper bag. These supplies should be checked regularly and restocked by each parent. Plastic or paper bags are not acceptable. Playground shoes must be closed toed. Flip-flops and open toed sandals are not acceptable for outside play activities.
Any above listed items that are not adequately supplied by the parents may be purchased by the provider. The parent hereby accepts and agrees to reimburse provider for these expenses.
Our preschool program starts at any time, but no later than (9:00 am). If your child arrives after that time he/she will miss a portion of the activities. This is a traditional program that runs from September 1, to May 31. We strongly emphasize letter recognition, phonics, early math skills, and good social skills. We have an additional yearly school fee of $ 50.00 due each September for each child participating in our preschool program. You will be reminded at the end of each August.
We will provide meals and snacks approved by the FDA Food Program. Kirkland Standard and Soy Infant formulas are provided by Harvest House Day Care. No special diet infant formulas are provided. Do not bring your child breakfast items such as fast food or donuts to be eaten here in front of the other children. Children consider these items a treat and feel cheated when they do not get the same thing. Your options are to arrive on time for breakfast here (before 8:30 am), see that you child is fed at home, have them finish the meal in your vehicle before coming inside, or bring enough for everyone ( 12-14 servings.)
We have a scheduled daily afternoon quiet time. If you need to pick up your child during this time please let us know that same morning so we can have your child napping away from the other children. This is to avoid disturbing the other children during their scheduled nap time.
We will only provide care for well children. If your child becomes ill, we will call you and request that your child is picked up within 30 minutes. Remember that germs spread quickly in our environment. Your courtesy and consideration for the other children and your provider is greatly appreciated. If your child is ill, he/she must be fever free for 24 hours, on antibiotics for at least 24 hours, or absent until the virus is no longer communicable. AT MINIMUM THIS MEANS THAT IF YOUR CHILD VOMITS, RUNS A FEVER, HAS DIAREAHHA, OR HAS AN UNIDENTIFIED RASH, HE/SHE MUST BE REMOVED FROM CARE ASAP. THEY MUST STAY HOME NOT ONLY THAT DAY BUT ALSO THE FOLLOWING DAY REGARDLESS OF HOW WELL THEY ARE ACTING. THEY MUST STAY OUT FROM DAY CARE FOR ANY EXTENDED AMOUNT OF TIME IT TAKES TO INSURE THE SAFETY AND HEALTH OF THE OTHER CHILDREN AS WELL AS OUR STAFF.
Parents agree that the process of potty training will not be attempted at any age until your child exhibits the mastery of the following skills necessary for successful potty training.
1. Must wake up dry regularly from nap time and /or night time.
2. Must be able to recognize and indicate the need to go to the bathroom .
3. Must be able to pull down their pants and pull up their pants by themselves.
4. Must display a desire to learn and have a co-operative spirit.
5. All parents must agree to participate fully with the potty training process by following through at home. Do not put a diaper or pull up on at home other than at night. Do not bring your child to daycare in a diaper or pull up once the training process begins.
Do not use diapers on the weekends just because you are going “Out and about town”
If a time comes when your feel it is necessary to terminate your child’s care with us, we ask for a four-week notice. This is after the initial 2 to 4 week trial period. We will also provide you with at least a four-week notice if it becomes necessary for us to terminate care.
Any care provided before or after your contracted care schedule will be considered overtime and charged a rate of $ 10.00 per quarter hour which is due when your child returns to daycare.
Personal checks will be accepted for childcare service. Please make checks payable to Harvest House Day Care. We charge a $ 25.00 fee for all returned checks for any reason. After the first returned check there will be a cash only restriction in place for your account.
Harvest House does arrange certain part time positions. Each is contingent upon:
1. Sharing the position with another child/ or children so that a full time space is paid for.
2. A set schedule and a set payment for all participants.
3. Both participants agree to pay for the full time space, or vacate the position should either participant terminate enrollment. The option of full time attendance is expected until another child can be found to share the position.